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5 Things to Aid Healing by Jasmine Torres

Whether we’re aching over a godawful outcome, the end of a relationship, or lost opportunity, grief comes in different molds. It’s important to remember that the healing process is very personal and requires from oneself great patience, understanding, and forgiveness. If the pain is fresh or still pangs even though months (or years) have passed, this is a list of 5 things (in no particular order) that can aid the healing process.

1. Learn Something New with Athena

Athena, the great goddess of wisdom and inspiration, admires learning and craftsmanship. Try something completely new whether it be doing aerial silks, cooking a different recipe, or attending a new restaurant. Practice a craft or sharpen a skill. Do something to make life a little more exciting and less monotonous as you begin moving forward. From Athena, we can learn to gather the strength it takes to be able to continue on, and acquire knowledge from the many experiences we’ll have.

2. Practice Self-Love with Aphrodite

Aphrodite, the beautiful goddess of love, reminds us that it’s okay to indulge in ourselves. Draw yourself a calming bath, buy that thing you’ve been wanting, eat cookies and drink wine while watching your favorite show. You are worthy of love and attention. Stare in the mirror and adore every curve that your body makes. Aphrodite wants us to learn to love ourselves as much as we love others. Healing takes great amounts of appreciation and support, even from yourself.

3. Do Karaoke with Apollo

Apollo, the good god of music and the sun, enriches our lives with harmony and peace. Take a moment to groove to your favorite song, sing at full volume in the car until strangers turn their heads, or do drunk karaoke to songs like “I Will Survive” and “We are the Champions”. Apollo teaches us that every day the sun will rise again and we can begin anew. There is always light in life should we choose to seek it out and follow it on our journey through healing.

4. Party with Dionysus

Dionysus, bacchanal god of wine and madness, shows us that sometimes a person just needs to let loose and enjoy a good night out with friends. Get dressed up and go to the club with your best pals or invite them over for a nice get together at your place. Revel in the fun and excitement that friendship births. Invite pleasure and warmth back into your life as you begin to forget what once shadowed your thoughts from a brighter tomorrow.

5. Mourn with Hades

Hades, the misunderstood god of death, teaches us that mourning is an equal part of grief. Allow yourself to feel, unapologetically. We are humans built with a complicated system of emotions -- holding it in is not what we were made to do. Feeling everything from agony to euphoria does not make you weak or pathetic. In fact, I would argue that embracing emotions brings us closer to our humanity. There is power in allowing yourself to feel and to identify what to do next in response to those emotions. Sometimes life calls for crying, and other times it calls for laughing hysterically. Not everyday will be good but as long as we take the time to be patient with ourselves and acknowledge our feelings as valid, healing can take place.

Much like the universe itself, we are built with duality. There will be victories and vices alike, ups and downs, some days more downs than ups. But, I like to think that with a little light and love, those with aching spirits will one day know happiness once again.


Jasmine Torres is a literature and writing student at University of California San Diego. It gives her great joy to read and create poetry as well as be part of a community that creates safe spaces for creators’ works. Jasmine likes to live her life as best she can with positive energy and love! You can follow her on twitter @relax_kiddo.

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