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The first time I felt you I thought I was dying

Because I didn’t know what it would be like to be touched by myself

Only to have others prodding, scrabbling at you


I went to the doctors and they said you were lovely and healthy looking

Like I should be really proud of myself

But all I wanted to do was cry some more

How can you be proud of something you barely own


Knowing that I am not dying did not remove the fear

I thought that it would put me back in control but I have never been taught how to be my own body

Only to master or ignore


I still feel a bit terrified when I touch you

But maybe, at least, that terror is grown inside me rather than thrust upon me.

Elli Wilson

Elli is a researcher and writer living in Ireland interested in all things gender and sexuality related. She is a big believer in blurring boundaries between ‘art’ and ‘academia’ and always looks for creative ways to approach research. She prefers to write poetry and essays and is currently working on a project about the experience of pleasure post-trauma which you can see more of @projectpleasurable.

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